History of Fort Hill, Part 2 (2008). Mural by: Loray McDuffie, Taylor Saintable, Edwin Perez-Clancy, Christine O'Connell, Julia Andreasson, Jorge Benitez, Divah Payne, Lucy Saintcyr, Laua Dedonato, Gregg Bernstein.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Streetsweeper Fans

Clean Streets III was a somewhat quirky post, but it was sufficient to net six visitors looking for these search terms.

fmc 984 sweeper
fmc 993 sweeper
hako citymaster 1200
wayne 984 sweeper
wayne sweeper

For those who doubt the enduring attraction of these fine machines, here is a link to streetcleaner0's Flikr Sweeper set.

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